Around The Home
This past week we had another wonderful week mainly at home! That has been my goal this Christmas season – to enjoy time at home! Not that we couldn’t go do things, but the fun activities we find to do at home, are just as special! And all the more, our creative juices just start flowing! One more week until Christmas and we are fully ready! And so here’s to enjoying the last full week and soaking in all that the Christmas season offers – mainly celebrating Christ’s birth! And trying to teach Mazy that concept, which I’m sure has God giggling at times with the things she says!
Mazy is very into making jewelry right now, so you can never go wrong with pipe cleaners and pony beads!

We decided to find the light show that was just a few minutes away from our house! Mazy was enthralled by it and just couldn’t believe it “played music” too via the radio!

More lights in our beautiful downtown!

Some of Mazy’s favorite activities are those that involve homemade toys! Mazy went to a motor movement class this past fall and one of the things she loved to do was walk on the balance beam. We had an old board at home and thanks to Dan’s handy work, she now has a beam!

If it involves paint, she will love it!

It’s just as fun to eat the frosting as it is to put it on the cookies!

Mazy wanted to just rock one afternoon, so I kicked my feet up and boom, she fell asleep! Sure love those days!

Can you tell she was a little excited to come along to our youth group’s babysitting night at church?

The crafting station…
