Around The Home
I realize this past week, that my life revolved around one thing – our mission trip fundraiser dinner. I did not take ANY other pictures, except those of the dinner, which explains the week well!
I have this strange love for doing dinners and making food for people. Heart issues have limited me a bit and I lament not being able to host as much as I’d like to, but this dinner for 60-70 people completely fed into my love language – and so did the people who we teamed up with me from the trip. Definitely wasn’t a one-man effort!
Monday night I had a moment of panic because there was a snowstorm coming that basically promised that schools were going to be closed. That made me nervous, so I quick ran about before the storm and tried to get as much food as I could before it came. That made for a crazy evening, but worth it. Then on Thursday I was able to pick up the rest. My second moment of panic came when I wondered if I had enough food, so a friend came over to help me figure all of that out and I was rest assured that it was all going to be okay. Sometimes ya just need that person, don’t ya?
Then the rest of the week was busy planning, baking, and cooking, which was so fun. On the menu: trail mix bar, punch, olive garden salad, Russ’s rolls, grilled chicken, beef roast, green beans, redskin mashers, and filled cupcakes. And for the entertainment, Dan did the game Family Feud, which he absolutely ROCKED out.
We had an incredibly fun evening, the help and servanthood of so many in the church was remarkable, and the laughs, oh what a fun night! And our church is just beyond generous! This week will be a bit more “normal,” (if there is anything as such), but until then, here are some pictures from the evening:
The theme was “Alaskan,” so we were decked out in our flannel and encouraged attendees to do the same!
Richard Dawson of Family Feud, at it’s finest! Gray hair and sideburns too!
Family Feud time!
Dan even made nametags for everyone…
Jim’s introductions…had us ALL rolling in laughter!
Buffalo plaid was definitely the “design” of choice – so thankful for amazing friends!