Back To Pinterest I Go
Call me a hypocrite.
I have a new Pinterest account.
I know, I know. I went on a rant one day about why I deleted my Pinterest account. You probably all thought “we’ll see how long this lasts!” Though I actually have really enjoyed my break from it! I realized how Pinterest makes you feel like you have to be a certain somebody to be someone. I want to just be Kristin and I hope that you continue to find the person that God created YOU to be, not this Pinterest perfect life.
After I stopped blogging for Organizing Life With Less, closed that business down because I did not have the time to keep up two blogs, I realized my Pinterest account wasn’t worth keeping for many reasons. Main reason was I didn’t want to spend time on a website that sucked my time away (and I know you know what I am talking about!) Another reason was because many of my links did not work because they linked back to my old website. Hence no reason to keep it going.
Well, I have now imported ALL of my posts from my Organizing Life With Less website into this blog. With that said, I have had a few people ask me about where to find a certain recipe or post, and how I would have loved to have just shared it with them on Pinterest!
Hence my desire to open up a new account.
The beauty of this new account (for me anyways), is that all of the pins are from this website, with no extras (yet). I am sure I will eventually add some.
If you are looking for a simple way to look at all of my posts from the past, recipes, etc (without being on the actual website), you can now find them all on Pinterest as well.