Behind The Picture
Our lives our flooded with pictures and images.
Facebook. Instagram. The malls. Billboards. Tv. So many outlets that reveal pictures of beautiful faces and of lives that…
we have no idea what’s behind the picture.
I was looking at all of the Christmas cards that are hanging next to our door. It literally fills up the whole wall next to our fridge. First of all, we are so blessed to have such a large family of support in our lives. Each card, sent with a purpose. Then as I look closer, I look at each of these families and some I know their story very well and others, maybe not as well. Regardless, there is always a story behind the picture.
And I think that’s what we lose sight of.
That is one thing I talked about with our Christmas card this year. How that picture was taken before a large chapter came to be our new reality. The days, weeks, and now months since that picture has been taken, are much more of a representation of who we are, than that picture is.
When we look at pictures, we see hair done, smiling faces (usually), and a beautiful scene in the background. As much as Christmas pictures are fun to take (though my husband would BEG to differ), I love taking them because to be honest, we never know what the future holds. I have looked at our picture numerous times, staring at it, reminiscing of what life was like before October 20, when I had my first open heart surgery. I look at that picture, but barely recognize that person though. What God has done in and through me, is far greater than what I could have ever written up myself. And I don’t want to go back to that person.
I think what we have to remember when we scroll through all the various social media avenues, is that behind the smiles, behind the perfectly done hair, behind the picture, is a story. Each one of us carries a story to tell. A story that is meant to further God’s Kingdom, whether you think so or not. You may think your story is of no value to anyone else. You may think there is no grand turning of events or unexpected twists and turns. But that is not how God works. God works through at times, even deeper, through the mundane. Looking back, the times when I have done the most reflecting, was when I was sitting in a chair doing nothing. Nada. It was then that God was able to speak to me because I was finally silent.
My point? The next time you scroll through social media, don’t just look at the person. Ask “what is their story?”
What is their story behind the picture?