Bigger Is Not Always Better

When King Solomon was king and built the temple, it sure was something to gawk at. This monstrosity was beautiful! After it was destroyed in 586 BC and it was then being rebuilt in roughly 538 BC I believe, the Jews were bummed that it wasn’t as extravagant as the previous model.
Zechariah 4:10a puts it all in perspective: “Who despises the day of small things?”
How often are we like the Jews, wishing for bigger and better? Or for life to be like it was? But this is a reminder that bigger is not always better.
Don’t despise the small beginnings. You see, God has this CRAZY story already written for your life. It may seem small and insignificant, but that’s because we have such a limited view of our lives and what’s to come. But God isn’t about the “size” of what you do. He is all about obedience. Are you willing to obey God in the small things? In the little details that he calls you to? It’s often in the small beginnings, the small things, those small obediences, that God shows his mighty power and purposes. Yes, something more grandeur may be right around the corner, but bigger is not always better, more powerful, or more influential.
Where do you feel God is asking you to start small? To accept “small”? Maybe it’s accepting the size of your home? The size of your paycheck? The size of your family? Maybe it’s accepting what seem like small details of your job and being obedient to them?
Don’t disregard the small things. There is beauty in small beginnings. Don’t despise them.
Welcome them.