
Heart Journey Update

Heart Journey Update

I just thought I would give a little update of where I’m at with my heart. I recently ran into someone who I don’t see very often and they said, “Wow Kristin, you look good! Is your heart good now? It all must be okay?” I wasn’t quite sure how to respond and honestly my…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Just a few pictures taken this week, lots of things done around the house, beautiful weather, and naps taken… Mazy was craving cookies, and while walking the aisles of Aldi, she saw a sugar cookie mix that okay, I caved, and totally bought. And her face says it all… A girl after mom’s own heart…Mazy…

Craving Real.

Craving Real.

Mama, don’t be afraid to be REAL. What if, just WHAT IF, someone saw the real version of you? What would they see? Don’t be ashamed. Because you know what? We will ALL relate to you – more than if you gave us an edited version of you. Because you are real and we all crave REAL. So just be YOU.



We have all been given a story to tell. My desire to is encourage others to embrace their stories. God has time and time again, shown me His faithfulness in my life and I love telling GOD’S story, for HIS glory alone. If you would like me to partner with you and speak at an…