
Trying To Keep Up, But…

Trying To Keep Up, But…

It is incredibly easy to feel worn out, isn’t it? Wear this… Eat that… Look like this… Make that… Parenting like this… Go to that… It’s endless! And it’s going to be endless until we realize in trying to keep up, we will never arrive. I have tried keeping up during various stages of my…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Fall is here in Michigan! The trees are starting to turn, the weather is significantly cooler, and the wind has picked up! Although, I’m of the mindset that if it’s going to be cold, it might as well snow! Mazy told me this week that she wanted to listen to “Mommy’s music” which means she…

God Cannot Be Stopped

God Cannot Be Stopped

Just think about it, GOD CANNOT BE STOPPED. This truth alone, will either put you in awe, or cause an incredible amount of anxiety for you, knowing that you can’t do everything in your power to stop your current situation  or change your circumstances. I think we often go through life thinking that we can…

We All Have Our Battles

After this last round of “heart issues,” it has made me more aware of those who also fight. Not just medical fights, but emotional battles, mental battles, and yes, even spiritual battles. I can’t say I am getting any “wiser,” (we all know Kristin can be pretty aloof sometimes), but one thing I have learned…