
My Greatest Fear

While attending the True Woman Conference this past weekend, it gave me some time to process and think about the stage of life that God has me in. I find much enjoyment and calm in being able to just sit back for a second to think about life; like at a conference. I could think…

Christ IS Enough

While attending the True Woman Conference this past weekend, there were many things I realized about my life. But one of the most impactful is that I believe lies. EVERY DAY. I honestly didn’t think I did. When one of the speakers started to talk about truth and lies, I kept thinking, what lies am…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past weekend, I was able to go to my first ever women’s conference – True Woman 2018, in Indianapolis! I have always wanted to go to one, but never have, with really no excuse. So when our church mentioned attending this one, we weren’t sure where my heart would be at, but I decided…

Do You Ever Feel Worn Out?

Do You Ever Feel Worn Out?

I don’t care what stage of life you are in, how old you are, or how young you are, I’m SURE you’ve felt worn out! I know I sure have! Different circumstances in life bring that worn out feeling in us pretty strongly sometimes, don’t they? I can definitely look back on times in my…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Since I did a few updates with heart issues this week, I’m just going to stick with the pics this week! So here’s what’s been going on this past week… Mazy was craving cookies this week and it had been an incredibly long time since I had made anything from scratch, so I decided to…