
One Giant Leap Forward

One Giant Leap Forward

The hum of the highway was an all too familiar sound as we made our way down to Ann Arbor today for my post op appointment. It is the only highway route I have taken since October 19, when we headed down to Michigan for my first surgery. That was also the last time I…

Homemade Playdough

Homemade Playdough

If winter already has you wondering what to do with your children, you cannot go wrong with playdough! Our daughter plays with playdough multiple times a day and I must admit, I often join in with her! It is definitely a past-time, but something that never gets old! Plus, the joys of making your own…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week has been INCREDIBLE. I have not felt this good in months! When I think back to the past two months, I still have a hard time comprehending everything that occurred, but He is working wonders with that too. It’s one thing if you see it coming and you can prepare yourself, but…