
Every Day is God’s Day

Every Day is God’s Day

Psalm 118:24 – This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. This past weekend, the town I grew up in revived an old tradition called the Dandelion Festival. Covid did a number to several events, including this one. Well, this past Saturday, the sun was shining, the dandelions…

NEW MOVIE: Unsung Hero

NEW MOVIE: Unsung Hero

If you love the band FOR KING + COUNTRY, you have to see their new film! I had the chance to preview it and it brought me to tears several times. I think often we can see the success of celebrities or bands, and think wow, they’ve got it good. But we fail to realize…

The Chains of Fear

The Chains of Fear

The other day Dan and I were chatting about life and I had to confess something: I’ve been struggling with fear. Fear that has taken residence in my heart, and I don’t like it. Since September of 2022, when I was diagnosed with leukemia, I have tried to battle the fear that was thrown like…

How Can You Not See God?

How Can You Not See God?

That song (see blog post title) by Leanna Crawford rang through the speakers in our van on the way to school yesterday morning. After I asked my daily question to Mazy, “How did God paint the sky”, this song came on as both of our voices joined together. I’ve listened to that song 100 times,…