
Here’s To Another Year

A month ago, this maybe isn’t how I anticipated celebrating my 34th birthday, but this doesn’t surprise God. I remember thinking before my first surgery, that by my birthday, I wouldn’t necessarily be back to normal, but I would be far on the mend. I would be a week past my post-op appointment and hopefully…

Recovery In The Raw

If you have read my past few posts, they have been a look back at my time in the hospital, the raw details of what all occurred, and the journey God has had us on. We have now been home about a week and a half, and I’m not going to lie, it has not…

More Than Thankful

More Than Thankful

I am more than thankful. I am humbled. In awe. More in love with God. Overwhelmed by grace. I remember lying in my hospital bed, wondering if I would make it home for Thanksgiving. At the time, it was a long ways off, but little did I know it would be just the week before,…

Our Life Is Not Our Own

Our Life Is Not Our Own

God sees. God knows. God hears. A saying that my dear friend Brenda has reminded me of time and time again. Six words filled with such promise, love, and comfort. Six words that felt we were hanging on by a thread to, when we thought things could not get worse. It was about 11:00pm on…