
Homemade Salsa

Homemade Salsa

If you have any type of garden or have friends and family who do, those tomatoes are just screaming at you! Of course there are many uses for them from making BLT’s (my favorite, though not conducive with a low-sodium diet), canned tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, and yes salsa. For years I have made my own,…

2:15 AM

At 2:15am, I hear Mazy whimper from across the hallway. I squint to look at the clock, pat the end table next to me – can’t go anywhere without those glasses. I tip toe over to the clothes hook to find my house coat, as I quickly open her door and tell Mazy… Mommy’s here!…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Thus the beginning of routine! Isn’t it a beautiful thing? Even though we do not have children in school, there is something about the school year that I feel brings routine to everyone. The weather is a bit cooler and darker, which means we may turn in a bit earlier. The days are filled with…

A Friend Of Guilt

It was a simple PBS show – Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. It was shortly before supper and I had turned on the TV so Mazy could have some downtime while I cooked supper. As soon as I hit the power button, I had this rush of guilt flood over this mommy’s heart, wondering if I made…