
Strengthened With Power

I’m sure you’ve been there. You are in a certain situation in life and you wonder what God’s word has to say. Not that we are trying to “test” God, but in a given moment, you wonder what word He has for you, at that time? Well, today I opened up my Bible to do…

It’s Only A Matter Of Time

How often have you thought, “It’s only a matter of time until…” How in reality, it is just time that is holding you in between events, circumstances, and changes? Today I had my first of many heart appointments at the heart clinic at the University of Michigan. It may seem like a far drive from…

Our Trip To Beaver Island

Our Trip To Beaver Island

Back to reality! We spent the past week with Dan’s family, on Beaver Island. It was a great week exploring all that Beaver Island has to offer, but most of all, spending time together as a family! Unfortunately it rained every single day at some point, except one, with most days being pretty wet. Nevertheless,…

A Battle For Time

A Battle For Time

This is a battle that I feel everyone has fought in some way or another – the battle of time. Finding time to do what you want to be doing. Ensuring you aren’t spending too much time doing one thing, while neglecting another. Basically it’s that battle to make time for what’s important. But what…

An Outside Look

An Outside Look

I realized that I have posted very few pictures of the outside of our new home! Even though we have done a lot of painting on the inside, there has also been much work done to the outside as well! We have cleared out brush, cut back the landscaping, and are working on the backyard….