
Around The Home

As the weeks move on by, we are realizing quickly that our time in Minnesota is coming to an end and our new life in Michigan will be beginning. Both book ends, in the opposite way. The closing of one chapter, but the opening of another. I feel I have my emotions back under control,…

When You Can’t Let Go

When You Can’t Let Go

I am sure you’ve been there. The day you put away that last piece of newborn clothing, may have felt like you were laying to rest the best days of your life. The time you had to send your sweet child off to school on the bus, felt like you were saying goodbye forever. Then…

Hold On Just a Second

It’s the phrase I say oh, too many times to count. You often hear of parents talking about how much patience it takes to parent. The sleep-less nights, the tantrums, the repeating of commands. I am sure you can think of one thing that takes a bit of patience. But have you ever thought about…

Around The Home

Around The Home

What a way to start a new week, by celebrating Easter! Like I said earlier, it is an emotional day, just thinking about how much our God truly loves us, by sending His Son to die for us, but then choosing to give us new life by raising Him from the dead – ETERNAL life….

It Was MY Sin

It Was MY Sin

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday always bring about so many emotions. It is on this weekend, I just feel so overwhelmed with God’s love. I look at my life. I look at my family. I look at my brothers and sisters in Christ. I look at us all, imagining us all at the…