
Mazy Is 17 Months Old!

Mazy Is 17 Months Old!

        It took me a second to remind myself that the perfect picture of a 17 month old doesn’t mean a perfectly posed picture. These pictures are PERFECT because they define her perfect personality! Her eyes and smile just light up our little world! Stats:  ~ Not known Food:  ~ Favorites: lasagna,…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Don’t know about you, but we sure received a lot of rain this week! We had an incredible amount of rain – I heard 10 inches and then I heard 7 inches, but regardless, that is a LOT of rain! Needless to say, we got water in our basement, which only helps me just get…

More Than Just Books

More Than Just Books

I was NOT a reader as a child. Just ask my mom who tried and tried to read to me, but I wanted nothing to do with it. I struggled with comprehension, which made reading and even understanding what I was reading, that much more difficult. After some testing Dan and I had done after…

Living With Less Excess

Living With Less Excess

It’s a work in progress, to say the least. Dan was gone to Haiti for two weeks on a mission trip and it had given me some time to think about how we live our life. I have thought about our past mission trips to third world countries and those trips always caused me to…