
New? Start Here

Thank you for stopping by! When I happen to stumble upon a new blog, I wonder what I’m supposed to do next, besides just scroll through the most recent posts? I assume I am maybe not the only one who wonders this, so that is why I decided to add this little “Start Here” section…

Around The Home

Around The Home

I have just a few pics from this past week. We had a little birthday party for Mazy, took some 1 year pictures, and some other fun ones, that I am excited to share with you soon! Until then… Mazy doesn’t ever like to sit “normal” in a chair – feet up on the table….

It’s Really Okay

I had all these grand ideas of how I was going to be the perfect stay-at-home-mom. As much as didn’t/don’t want to admit it, we go into parenthood with expectations. I made the mistake of telling Dan that I didn’t really have any expectations, but the more I thought about it, I so did! I…