
Around The Home

Around The Home

This is what our past week looked like… A tiring day! She still gives us her “pouty” face which makes us laugh! I just can’t get enough of those eyes! So proud, though I think it’ll be a little bit before she starts walking on her own   She loves watching her dad snowblow! I…

More Than Just A Mother

More than just a mother. My dream has come true. I became a mother to two perfect children in heaven in 2012, and then became an earthly mother to Mazy Grace last year. Just today, I picked up my daughter from her crib after a nap and she saw a little banner that my friend…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Just another pretty normal week at the Sterks! Mazy has learned to turn around in a circle while sitting on her bottom, so maybe she will end up scooting across the floor instead of crawling! Her vocab is also becoming quite extensive, even though we aren’t always sure what she is saying! I recently taught…

Taking A Look Back

The other day Mazy and I were on our way to town and I took a look back and saw our sweet baby girl’s face, just looking out the window. It’s a drive we make often – the 20-25 minute drive to the grocery store, doctor’s office, you name it. Really, this day was no…