
Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week has been filled with Mazy honing in on her new skills! She is LOVING picking up food with her fingers and eating it. Her new favs are waffles and toast with peanut butter. Yes, I have introduced peanut butter and so far so good! I figured the range they say that you…

Around The Home

Around The Home

It has been a chilly week here in Minnesota! Of course this is what we expected moving out here, but it always takes a few days to get used to the frigid temps again! Now with a baby, I think twice about going outside and to town because just in a few minutes, she can…

Mazy Is 10 Months Old!

Mazy Is 10 Months Old!

I can’t help but share all of these pics of sweet Mazy! From her rosy cheeks, to her chubby cheeks, to that little front tooth popping through, those big blue eyes, we just can’t get enough of her!         Don’t let this picture fool you – she does NOT crawl! She likes…


I have put a lot of thought into what I want this new year to look like. I’m sure you’ve heard it said to “not look back, but only forward”. I think that’s a good principle to live by, but I can’t help but think about the past. I can’t help but think about how…