
Around The Home

Around The Home

Christmas is my favorite holiday because it reminds of the miracle that Christ’s birth is, but also the life-saving gift of salvation. This Christmas, of course is a bit more special because we were able to experience the physical birth of our own earthly child. This past week was a bit busy, but all in…

9 Month Update for Mazy

9 Month Update for Mazy

Thanks to my friend Kaitlyn for being willing to capture Mazy’s little personality! Here is just a sampling…      This is when she decided it wasn’t fun anymore   Stats: We had her 9 month checkup today! She is 28 1/2 inches long (81st percentile – still tall, but is averaging out since at her…

Heart Update!

Yesterday I headed to the cities to have my 2 month check up. I was a bit nervous about this appointment because typically they do not have me come back so soon. I had added 2 new medications and switched up another one, so part of the appointment was to see too, how well I…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week we have enjoyed getting ready for Christmas! We got our Christmas presents wrapped, bought a cheap fake tree, and maybe even opened a Christmas present already! Mazy will be turning 9 months this week! She is getting more personality by the day and boy does she make us laugh! Those blue eyes……

Only 18 Years

Only 18 Years

18 years. The other day, while Mazy was taking a nap, I started to think about the fact that I have 18 years to raise this child. I have 18 years to teach her all I know about life. I have 18 privileged years of having her in our home (and maybe a few more…