
When I Catch Myself…

When I Catch Myself…

I suppose I would still label myself as a new mom. I don’t really know when that classification or title is no longer, but what I do know is that I am learning that am… Weird. Feel free to laugh! I’d like to think that the excuse is in being a new mom, but I…

This Week In Pictures

This Week In Pictures

Mazy is almost 6 months old (next week!). I sometimes think I could take a break from posting so many pics of our little girl, but this mama is just too thankful to not. I can’t help but share our love for this little girl and share our thankfulness for her. We know every moment…

FREE Ways To Design A Blog

FREE Ways To Design A Blog

I have this weird love for blogging. Not only do I enjoy writing posts, but I also love designing a webpage/blog. Now I will put my disclosure statement out there that I am NO pro, but I still find enjoyment in creating a blog. The idea of thinking about different color schemes, designing a new…

Redefining Success

Redefining Success

I am a do-er. I love to check things off a list. I love to write lists for that matter. I love to go to bed at night thinking about all that I accomplished. I love looking back on the day and seeing the physical things I did. To actually see my progress. That is…

Texas Caviar Goodness

Texas Caviar Goodness

In an attempt to eat healthier in our home, I have been looking through my cookbooks and online for different “wholesome” recipes. We are big snackers in our home. At night we usually grab a snack and during the day, I have a hard time not eating a snack at around 3:00. It’s so easy…