
Why I Shop At Aldi

Why I Shop At Aldi

Aldi has changed my life. Really. When we moved to Minnesota 2 years ago, I knew our grocery bill would look different. I did not realize that it would more than DOUBLE. Believe it or not, we do not budget. Well, we don’t budget in the sense of keeping a detailed record of what and…

Only By Grace

Only By Grace. I have gone back and forth on many different blog name options, but one word kept coming back to me: grace. It may seem like I overuse that word, but that word defines The Sterk’s life. A good friend had sent me a few different ideas and she was helping me define…

Mazy Is 5 Months Old!

Mazy Is 5 Months Old!

    As you can tell – she LOVES her feet!    That look…  Love her look – “what in the world is this, mommy?”     Stats:Well, we won’t have official stats again until her 6 month appointment, but all I have to say is that she is GROWING! She eats like crazy and…