
Our Trip To Michigan

Our Trip To Michigan

We have embarked on our second journey to Michigan! I was looking forward to spending some quality time with family and friends, which of course never disappoints! Here is a bit of what our trip has looked like: Bless Mazy’s heart – we started the journey right after she got her 4 month shots. We…

That One Time

Think about that one time. That one time your baby fell asleep in your arms. (This blog post is being written with my daughter fast asleep in my arms, as I grasp the memory of this moment). That one time she may have spit up all over your clothes, but you didn’t have time to…

Introducing Solid Foods

Introducing Solid Foods

This post is a long time in coming, but on July 15, we introduced little Mazy to rice cereal! She turned 4 months that Friday, but decided that she was hungry enough to want it, and growing enough to need it. We are hoping this fills her up a bit more, and so far, it…

4 Months Old!

4 Months Old!

Mazy turned 4 MONTHS OLD on Friday! What a sweetheart this girl is. She never ceases to make us laugh and cause us to kiss her chubby little cheeks. These pictures explain why:       Stats: Mazy is 25 1/2 inches tall (97th percentile), is 15 lbs. 1 oz. (70th percentile) and is in the…

A Day In The Life Of…

A Day In The Life Of…

Some pics of our honey! Talk about Mazy-picture-overload, but I just can’t help it! Trying to soak in every bit of her, since she is almost 4 months! Practicing standing – she is so proud! What a life! Ready to go to church! Always a fun day when we take her clothes off – she…