
Just A Little Bit More…

Just A Little Bit More…

You sit down at a restaurant and get 4x the amount of food that you normally eat. Feeling full comes after eating half of it, but you say “Just a little bit more…” Walking through the mall, you see all these sales plastering the windows of your favorite stores. You spent your budget or the…

A Dinner Table Conversation

A Dinner Table Conversation

I love “family” meals. Granted it is just the two of us, my husband and I, but I will forever love sitting in the peace and quiet over mealtime. No phones. No tv. No interruptions. You see I specifically didn’t say a “nice” meal because sometimes our meals consist of tuna fish sandwiches. Or leftovers…

Worth The Wait

This past week has been quite busy as we have had the opportunity to help with the Minnesota West SERVE at a local CRC. We have always had a passion for SERVE because I had gone to 3 when I was in high school (2 at the Benton Harbor/St. Joseph SERVE that Dan’s dad ran…

My Blended Experience

My Blended Experience

This girl has not always been a huge coffee drinker. In fact, I always thought coffee was absolutely disgusting and couldn’t stand the taste of it. I thought people were absolutely CRAZY for being addicted to something that tasted so gross. Then I moved to Minnesota. The land of ice, snow, blizzards, and freezing cold…