
Declutter Pinterest Boards

Declutter Pinterest Boards

I am all about organizing every area of life. Whether physical, mental, or even media-wise. I was a little skeptical of Pinterest when it first came out. I wasn’t sure I wanted to add “one more thing” to look at. One more website to go to. I kept hearing of people becoming addicted to it…

Who Are You Living For?

Who Are You Living For?

Tip #31 – Live everyday asking: “Will this bring me closer to God?” If there are things in our life that are drawing us AWAY from God, instead of closer, we need to consider ridding our lives on them. Whether it is an action or an item, we need to consider how it effects us,…

Disposables in One Place

Disposables in One Place

Tip #28 – Store your disposables in one place Sounds like a given, but how often do you have disposable napkins, baggies, paper bags, plates, etc., scattered throughout your house? Store them all in ONE place, so that you know exactly where to go when looking for them. That way you know what you have…