
Taking Time To Slow Down

I decided to piggy-back off of my last post about living in an “instant” world. Personal confession time: I rush through life – it takes a conscious effort for me to slow down and just relax. Ask my husband. I am a do-er. I am a task-oriented person. The more things on my to-do list,…

In An Instant…

I was having one of those heart-to-heart conversations with some friends recently. A conversation that really had my wheels turning. A conversation that caused conviction. A conversation that required change. Culture is something Dan and I have many candid conversations about. Our couch is loaded with discussions on how we can continue to live for…



SAVING MONEY. Those words cause our hearts to beat faster with excitement. Our eyes are glued to the magazine, screen, or person who is informing us on the how-tos. Our hands franticly try to implement those what we sometimes think are “life-saving and life-altering” ideas, only to find out we fall right back into our…

Volleyball-Filled Weekend

Volleyball-Filled Weekend

Yesterday we attended our first college volleyball game! Not that we really ever have “former” youth group kids as they will ALWAYS be a part of our life, but one of our youth group girls who graduated last year, is playing for Bethel College. Her parents and Kari’s sister were heading out there and we…