
A Year Ago Today…

A year ago today, was a much different story in our life. We started the day by learning that Dan was let go from his job for reasons we did not understand. Yet it was also filled with such joy as hours later, we learned that Brenda was pregnant with our two children! Such a…

4 Ingredient Caesar Salad

4 Ingredient Caesar Salad

This is one of my FAVORITE recipes! I have made this countless times for groups, small gatherings, for my husband and I, and even just for myself, for dinner. Sometimes making a salad can seem like daunting work because you have to get everything out, cut everything up, mix it all, only to have the…

Labor Day Weekend Festivities

Labor Day Weekend Festivities

The past few days, we have been blessed with having another visitor out to the great lands of Minnesota! One of my college roommates, Stephanie, from Canada, was able to visit for the weekend! We had so much fun catching up, laughing, playing games, and just enjoying the great outdoors! On Saturday, we headed out…