
Fruit Flies No More!

Fruit Flies No More!

I know I mentioned this concoction in one of my recent posts about various uses for apple cider vinegar, but I can’t help but mention it again and SHOW you the visible damage this mixture can do! In the summer, we eat a LOT of fruits. We typically have a few different types of fruits…

4 Reasons Why I Do Not Budget

4 Reasons Why I Do Not Budget

The word BUDGETING can stir up many emotions – depending on who you are. The thought of budgeting may be completely overwhelming. For others, it screams “organized” so therefore you can’t survive without it. Then there are others who budget out of a self-realization that if they didn’t, they would be in a heap of trouble. When…

Weekend Festivities

Weekend Festivities

It has been so nice being HOME! We have loved this week to just catch up. Since the beginning of June, we felt like each week we were preparing for the next week’s adventures, which meant being gone. This past week, we have been able to catch up on the things that we haven’t been…

A Response

God’s love story for a broken world. Have you ever thought about the Bible being a love story to you? A book written for YOU, a story about broken people, in need of a Savior? A Savior who came down, from a perfect world, to live among us, and die for us? Now THAT, is…