
Where to Start…Again?

Where to Start…Again?

A common question most people have about organizing is: WHERE TO BEGIN? I found myself asking that question numerous times a few years ago as we made the decision to get organized, declutter, and live with less. As I see a pile of papers accumulating on our kitchen counter, I again ask myself “where to…

Simple Living: What I Am Not

Simple Living: What I Am Not

Paging through magazines, looking through the latest sales ad, listening to your friends talk about the latest and greatest “thing” they just bought. Ever look in that magazine or scroll through that blog and wish your home looked like it was straight out of House Beautiful or Country Living? I have my days. But more…

Freezer Meal: Stuffed Shells

Freezer Meal: Stuffed Shells

Stuffed Shells {Print Recipe}   Ingredients: 1 lb. ground beef, browned with onion 32 oz. spaghetti sauce 8 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded 8 oz. mozzarella cheese, shredded 16 oz. cottage cheese 2 eggs, beaten 16 saltine crackers, crushed 1 box jumbo noodles   Directions: 1. Combine cheese, eggs, and crackers in a bowl. 2. Cook…

Seeing Each Day as a Gift

Seeing Each Day as a Gift

The alarm goes off. You squint to check the time and wonder “is it really THAT time already?” You think about the start of a new day. Where do your thoughts go? Are you overwhelmed? Despising the dawn of another day? Dreading the upcoming hours? Or are you anticipating what the day may hold? Do…