
Day 42: Long-Sleeved Shirts

Day 42: Long-Sleeved Shirts

What: Long-sleeved shirts Why: Sleeves hanging off the edge. Shirts shoved so far back in the drawer you can’t even see them. Too many to choose from that you can’t even see to the bottom of the drawer. Filing through shirts that don’t even fit you anymore. Do you find yourself fitting into any of…

Day 41: Two Varieties

Day 41: Two Varieties

What: Varieties Why: It is easy to stockpile. I know that some say stockpiling is a good thing – especially when something is on sale. Guilty as charged. I agree to a certain extent. Again, there should be a limit if we are trying to live with less. Just because something is a good deal…

A Different Perspective

We have visitors :)! Dan’s brother Tom, his wife Kari and there 2 kids made the trek from Michigan to Minnesota yesterday! It is always nice having a piece of family out here! Thankfully the snow is gone (much different weather than when my parents were out here!) and we can enjoy the sights of…

Day 40: Hello, JELLO!

Day 40: Hello, JELLO!

  What: Jello and Puddings Why: Living less with even JELLO? Yes, even with jello. Jello is one of those things that can end up filling up our kitchen drawers, for no good reason. We buy a specific flavor of jello maybe because it sounds good or because we think we may use it someday,…

Day 39: Lotion

Day 39: Lotion

What: Lotion Why: You may think this is ridiculous that we are talking about lotion (of all things). Though, I am assuming that you have WAY more lotion than you have hands to use it. Lotion is one of those things we hang onto because we think we will use it when we run out…