
Day 4: Make-Up

Day 4: Make-Up

What: Make-Up Why: Make-up is something that we tend to collect and never use. It is time to purge and live with less – even when it comes to make-up! How: 1.Go grab your make-up bag, pouch, whatever you use. 2. Dump it ALL out. As in “if you have make-up stored in other places, grab…

Rich In The Eyes Of…

Ecclesiastes 5:10 says: Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless. Awhile ago I read the book Weird by Craig Groeschel. One of the sections was on money and boy was I challenged – I hope you too, are challenged by some of…

Day 3 : Cards

Day 3 : Cards

What: Greeting Cards Why: When birthdays and anniversaries roll around, do you go into panic and think “oh, I have to go buy a card” or do you even forget about that special someone’s special day? Is sending a card more of a burden than a joy? Panic and dread no more! Time to organize…