
Don’t Stop Belize ‘n

Don’t Stop Belize ‘n

Belize. A country God has imbedded into our hearts. A country we love. A country we Lord-willing will go back to someday. Dan and I would both say it was a life-changing trip. It is hard to physically be back in the States when we feel our hearts are still in Belize. We have been overseas before…

Belize Bound

Tomorrow is the big day! As you can tell, Dan and I are extremely excited and humbled to go to Belize! We are both healthy thus far, so even more so, it makes going that much less worrisome. (BTW, thank you for the prayers!) And we continue to pray that it stays that way. We also pray…

Wednesday – Family Life

Definitely the biggest thing right now is staying healthy (as I’m sure you can all relate to!) On Monday, Dan was diagnosed with bronchitis, which wasn’t a surprise. He has been sick for over a week and his fever kept spiking. We thought he’d be getting better then the next day he would go downhill….