
Grief Deepens

Grief expands. Grief widens. Grief deepens. Grief is so much more than grief. In talking about grief, I do not want to give the impression that we are stuck in this dark hole, trying to find a way out. I think we are far from that. It has been over the last couple of weeks,…

What Is Your Ark?

In the Bible study I am in, we have started a new book called Life Principles from the Old Testament. I am constantly amazed at the new life lessons that God introduces to me everyday! I believe the thought is true that the more you learn about the Bible, the more you realize how much…

A New Kind of Normal

A New Kind of Normal

On Sunday Dan and I took a walk. On that walk, God revamped something in us –  He gave us a renewed passion for life. As we walked and talked, we realized we need to keep moving forward. I know I have mentioned that numerous times before. The life God has us living right now is…

D&K Christmas Pictures

D&K Christmas Pictures

  The sun was shining warmly this past Saturday. I knew it was time for our Christmas picture – right then and there. Out the tri-pod came and in came pics of Dan and Kristin. I am so blessed have this man by my side. I had thought for two seconds having the picture of…