
First Shot: CHECK

First Shot: CHECK

Call me wierd, but just thought I’d give ya a short update on today. First shot: CHECK. As 6:00pm was getting closer, I was getting more and more excited. Last night before we went to bed we both were geeked. Thankfully today we were extremely busy, which helped pass time. Seriously, why do they wait…

Project Baby Update

Dan and I just got back from another wonderful vacation with his family! It was great to spend some quality time with each other, spend time outdoors in God’s beautiful creation, and just relax. Dan and I were also able to spend some quality time with each other reflecting on what God has been doing…

Using Some Elbow Grease

Romans 12:1-2 says: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will…


One more day and we leave for our mission trip to Alaska with our Roots kids! It’s hard to believe that it is literally 1 day away, yet at the same time, it seems like we have been preparing for this for so long! I suppose we have been preparing for it for awhile because we only…


God has provided a light at the end of the tunnel! Our official “start” date is now July 29! This past Friday I received my meds (wowzers, it was a big box of just meds!), got our paperwork from our lawyer to review, and set up dates to start the process and what the beginning…


Limitless. Can you think of a person in your life who lives as if they have no limits? Where nothing can stop them? Do you ever think about God and how He is limitless? Then why do we treat Him as if He is? How many times have I, Kristin, doubted God. How many times have I questioned…