
A Week Ago…

A week ago yesterday was the most harrowing experience of our life. Dan said to me yesterday “I just can’t stop thinking about it.” I agree. We were talking last night for quite some time of how this whole experience has taught us so much and honestly, we do not wish it never happened (I…

The Aftermath

Yesterday we made our way home from Louisville! We knew our vehicle ran okay – we just didn’t know how loud or how cold the drive would be. We made it home in once piece! We were never so happy to home! We breathed a sigh of relief after quite a long weekend. Here is…

Fix ‘Er Up

Ah… I hate cliches, but I am going to use one: GOD IS SO GOOD. I believe God always works everything for the good – it’s sometimes hard to see the “good” that is supposed to come out of something, but God has promptly responded with showing us the “good” in all this. Truly, we…

Scariest Day Of Our Lives

First of all…please know that as you view these, God worked in WONDROUS ways today. We have come up with countless ways that God has protected us more than we could’ve asked. I know I posted these on facebook, but I know not everyone has facebook, so we thought we would post them on the…