
HOW Do You Watch TV?

This year in Roots (high school youth group) we are looking at the various forms of media and how they line up with a Biblical worldview. What is a worldview you might ask? A worldview can be defined as how you see the world, through a “certain” lense. That “certain” lense, for the Christian, would…

Lost Boys

Today I was reading an article in our paper called: Lost No More. If you get a chance, please read it; it’ll bring you back a few years. For me, it brought me back to high school. I will never forget when some of the Sudan refugees (who were now fostered by local families) started…

Storing Up “Acorns”

Don’t know if you’ve noticed lately, but I’ve seen a lot of squirrels runnin’ around with their precious acorns :). Every morning I try to go on a walk/jog and every morning I am just baffled at the squirrels because they ARE EVERYWHERE. You may think I have some fettish with squirrels because I have…