
My Best No

My Best No

I’m a perpetual “yes” sayer. I struggle to let no be a part of my life. It makes me feel uneasy. Unfulfilling. Unworthy. Incapable. I mean really, quite lousy at times! That’s why sometimes I need to not just give my best yes, but my best “no”. So many opportunities come our way, don’t they?…

Searching for Satisfaction

Searching for Satisfaction

While going through my 6-year-olds heap of papers, pens, erasers, markers, cut-outs, and homemade creations on her desk, my mind could only wonder, how did it end up like this? How did we end up with so much STUFF, just on this desk? Call me obsessive, but there is something about a cleaned off flat…

Decorating With Photowall

Decorating With Photowall

This post is sponsored by Photowall. Ever since we created a toy room for our daughter, one of the things I have always wanted to add was a map of either the United States or the world. When I received an invitation to partner with Photowall, a company out of Sweden, I knew it might…

Around the Home

Around the Home

We knew our June would be busy with so many fun activities and what fun we’ve had! This past week we had our high school retreat at a local lake about an hour away. We had great weather and such an amazing time getting to know the group better! Many laughs shared, that’s for sure!…

Around the Home

Around the Home

Whew! The school year is complete! We could not be more proud of all Mazy has accomplished in every aspect. It was not an easy year due to covid quarantines, the anxieties of knowing mommy wasn’t always feeling well or was gone, but she triumphed through it all! We couldn’t be more thankful for her…