
Around the Home

Around the Home

Welcome fall, once again, Michiganders! Gotta love living in the midwest…ya just never know what’s coming your way! Shoot, at one point, we had hail this week. I’m a person that if it’s going to get cold, might as well snow. Okay, it hasn’t been THAT cold, but when I told Mazy is it was…

Around the Home

Around the Home

So I feel like I just said “Hello Fall” in a recent post, where this week I could’ve said “Hello Summer, Again!” This week was a surprise gift of warmth with cool nights, and everything summer and fall, mixed into one. All before it goes tumbling downhill in temperature :). Needless to say, we are…

Heart Journey Update

Heart Journey Update

It’s been a bit since I have given a heart update, and so I thought I’d finally do so! Well, as the saying goes, no news, good news right? I have felt incredible the past few months. Like as in – haven’t felt better in years – type incredible. We could not be more thankful for…

Around the Home

Around the Home

I feel like a farmer’s daughter in saying this, okay, I come by it naturally, but has anyone taken note of the incredible weather we’ve had in Michigan as of late? Sunny and 60s-70s across the board, it seems! I wondered why I didn’t have much to share in pictures, but I realize it’s because…

The Answer is Simple

The Answer is Simple

Jesus. I don’t know about you, but have you found yourself asking, “What is going on?” If I’m honest, I have not watched the news in quite some time. And yes, it has been intentional. For one, I miss the news for what it once was. A reporting of what is happening in our local…