
Heart Journey Update

Heart Journey Update

This past week, I was able to step away from the worries and wonders of what God is doing in my life and heart. Not that I put HIM aside, but the frustrations, disappointments, and heaviness of it all. We were able to go on my family’s vacation up north here in Michigan for a…

A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My Favorite Things

I am a lover of anything to organize with and/or write in. Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the privilege of partnering with Samsill, who specializes in office supplies, such as binders and notebooks. Growing up, I had NUMEROUS notebooks filled with random ramblings from Kristin. Little did I know that my love…

Gratitude and Disappointment

I don’t understand. I find myself asking the whys all too often; especially this go around. Over the past week, I have been on the brink of tears numerous times and sometimes that wall of sandbags collapsed and the river overflowed. There is just so much I can’t wrap my mind around and often feel…

Around the Home

Around the Home

What a week! Not necessarily what we expected, but often at the turn of a new week reminds me of the verse that says, “His mercies are new every morning.” And every week, my friends! We started the week off with Mazers hanging out with her cousins! While Dan was dropping me off in Ann…

Heart Journey Update

Heart Journey Update

First of all, thank you for all of the prayers, text messages, and love shown once again! They truly keep me going during a time that didn’t go quite like we had hoped. Though we know God sees, God knows, and God continues to hear! I was able to come home on Thursday, for which…