
They Are Only Tools

They Are Only Tools

Have you ever been with someone who is present, but not engaged? What was the reason? If I had to guess, it was probably their phone. Guilty as charged. When you think of the evolution of the smartphone, it has effected every relationship to some degree for the good and at times, for the bad….



I have mentioned this in the past, but every morning on our way to school, I ask Mazy, “How did God paint the sky?” A morning this week, we noticed an incredible sunrise with 4 plane lines shooting out of it from the nearby (well kind of nearby) airport. It really was quite spectacular –…

It Really Is This Simple

It Really Is This Simple

I once heard a quote from Billy Graham that says, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” I want you to think about the issues that surround our lives today. Homosexuality. Promiscuity. Self-indulgence. Power. Pursuit of the almighty dollar. Abortion. Boujee (luxurious) lifestyles. I know some would disagree with me, but these are…

Do More Than Just Listen

Do More Than Just Listen

The start of a new year always promises new beginnings. New ways of doing things. New habits. New this, new that. I think it’s healthy for us as humans to have these moments – times to sit back and think forward. Where are we going in life? What do we want to be doing? What…

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! The day that we celebrate all year, really, is finally here on the calendar. But may we never lose sight the fact that HE is the only way to salvation. No worldly thing that captures our attention or hearts, will ever satisfy. May the truth of THIS Truth, reign and reflect in our…