
Bone Marrow Biopsy Results

Bone Marrow Biopsy Results

My oncologist called yesterday and the first thing she asked was if Dan was around to hear the results. Immediately I started to panic and thought oh no, maybe it’s not what we thought it was. We were thinking that I had little to no leukemia in my blood, but maybe this wasn’t the case?…

Today’s Small Miracles

Today’s Small Miracles

Oh to try and put today into words… Today Dan and I headed to Ann Arbor for the first of MANY appointments in the oncology department. We decided that we are getting to know the University Hospital QUITE well. My appointments today were located in the children’s hospital, which was a change of scenery for…

Remembering Where You Were

Remembering Where You Were

I’ll never forget where I was. And I’m sure you haven’t either – when you were told about your diagnosis, when your loved one passed away, when you found out your job was ending. We often remember the most trivial of details, and yet at the moment, one single moment, everything changed. I’ll never forget…

Let God Be God

Let God Be God

I thought I was immune to cancer. I thought that since I had heart failure that there was no way God would ever allow me to get cancer. Heart failure felt like enough. Trying to live life with heart failure, amidst all the things I wanted to do in life, felt like more than enough….

Being Home

Being Home

(Thank you to our sweet friends who let us borrow their vehicle! It was so comfy I fell asleep on the way home :)) I’m sure anytime you come home from vacation, it always feels good to be home. You miss sleeping in your own bed and to some extent, miss the routine of life….