
Choosing God In The Journey

Choosing God In The Journey

I merged onto the highway, on the straightaway home. I had 2 hours ahead of me to process what had all just happened. After spending numerous hours in testing, not that they were necessarily physically draining, I was emotionally and mentally spent. Trying to comprehend all that was being done, trying to understand all the…

My Best No

My Best No

I’m a perpetual “yes” sayer. I struggle to let no be a part of my life. It makes me feel uneasy. Unfulfilling. Unworthy. Incapable. I mean really, quite lousy at times! That’s why sometimes I need to not just give my best yes, but my best “no”. So many opportunities come our way, don’t they?…

Searching for Satisfaction

Searching for Satisfaction

While going through my 6-year-olds heap of papers, pens, erasers, markers, cut-outs, and homemade creations on her desk, my mind could only wonder, how did it end up like this? How did we end up with so much STUFF, just on this desk? Call me obsessive, but there is something about a cleaned off flat…

Heart Journey Update

Heart Journey Update

I know I’ve been a little quiet over here on the blog, but I hope to change that over the next few weeks and as summer hits! Like for so many, life hasn’t gone the way we had planned, but it doesn’t mean God isn’t in control; nor is He surprised by any of it!…