
My Only Aim

My Only Aim

What is your aim in life? What are you living for? Who are you living for? When you wake up in the morning, what do you think about? At the end of the day, what are you seeking after? So often in life, we are running around, trying to figure out who we are, who…

Stop Looking Sideways

Stop Looking Sideways

Written last week: This post, I write while I am sitting beside my hospital bed, waiting to hear if I will be discharged or not. As I gaze out the window and realize that I soon will be stepping into “the world” again, I can’t help but reflect on my life. Such a heavy thought…

In His Image

In His Image

When Mazy was a baby, I had this high expectation of myself to raise this well-behaved, sleep through the night, eat everything under the sun, compliant baby. I mean who doesn’t go into having their first kid, thinking that in some shape or form? It doesn’t matter how many children you have, we all set…

Another Update On My Heart

Another Update On My Heart

So yesterday I posted about the new heart failure symptoms I have been feeling and today we learned that God has had a plan in his back pocket, that he decided to reveal to us late yesterday afternoon. I have been speaking with an AMAZING nurse from my heart failure team at Michigan and she…