
Majors and Minors

Majors and Minors

A dear friend of mine (eh hem…MAK) recently wrote a little note on Facebook about how we often times minor in the major things, major in the minor things in life. That struck me and even though I’ve heard that quote in the past, I couldn’t help but sit back and wonder how often I…


I have heard it said that you should view your home as a container. If it’s full, stop trying to pack more into it. If there are things you don’t want in it, take them out. Have you ever felt that way? Do you feel like your home is bursting out the cover of the…

A Good God

I am writing this post on election day, not knowing what the results will be, though decided to post it today. I write this on election day because one thing I know is certain. Is that from day to day, God’s rule and sovereignty do not change. I think it is an incredible privilege to…



What comes to mind when you hear that word? As I set here typing this post, I am sitting in the quiet of our home. The only noise, the ticking of our clock. That used to annoy me, but now it reminds me of just how quiet it is. It’s peaceful, calming, and refreshing. But…

God Cannot Be Stopped

God Cannot Be Stopped

Just think about it, GOD CANNOT BE STOPPED. This truth alone, will either put you in awe, or cause an incredible amount of anxiety for you, knowing that you can’t do everything in your power to stop your current situation  or change your circumstances. I think we often go through life thinking that we can…