
Peace In The Unexpected

It has been an eventful past few days. Right when I think we are “cruising” in life, getting geared up for summer, and eager to enjoy the warm weather, life throws us a bit of a twist. I know it’s the devil trying to ease his un-welcomed way into our lives, but this I know…


I have thought about this idea for awhile, but haven’t quite figured out exactly how to say what I want to say, so here goes! Have you ever lived life by swerving from one guardrail to another? What I mean is that do you live life going from one extreme to another, not thinking about…

From Destruction To Glory

We all carry around scars. Scars that represent our past, but do not control our future. What are your scars from life that you carry around daily? I have quite a few physical scars from various procedures. Some are very visible and some are hidden. But one thing that my scars have taught me is…

When Confusion Becomes Clear

I don’t know about you, but some of the most confusing and mind-boggling experiences in my life, have been the most powerful life-changers. Those situations and circumstances that hold so many unanswered questions, are the most powerful tools that God has used to change my life. Think of the most difficult situation you have ever…