
Until Next Time…

Until Next Time…

The time has come. Sixteen years of wondering when the next surgery would be. Sixteen years of life events that have led us to a moment, such as this. Sixteen years of waiting for open heart surgery #2. I have thought often of what that day was like on Wednesday, January 17, 2001. It was…

Surrounded By A Great Cloud

This is probably not the cloud you are thinking of. This past weekend in Michigan, was filled with many fall clouds and rain, as the Sterks became more and more antsy to get outside. I sometimes wonder how we get through the long winter months! But I’m not talking about actual cloud cover. I’m talking…

Buried and Hurried

Is this not the battle within many of us? We are buried and in over our heads with things to do, hurrying and scurrying around, trying to accomplish as much as we can in as little of time as possible. I am the BEST at this! And that’s not something to be proud of. I…