
A Date Has Been Set

Today we had yet another productive day spent at the University of Michigan’s Cardiovascular Center! Our morning started off with my TEE, where they stick an ultrasound probe down the esophagus, about the size of an index finger. After gargling some pretty nasty liquid, my throat was numb and I was given sedation. Apparently I…

An Authentic Life

Authenticity. Do you feel like that is becoming a word of the past? Do you feel like it is hard to find? Dan and I were watching the news and there was a report of yet another all-star pro athlete, making a poor decision, that could effect his upcoming season. So many of these incidences…

Wearing Lips of Praise

Sometimes it is hard to even imagine muttering words of praise. In times of trial, death, suffering, and struggles, the word praise can seem overwhelming, daunting, and sometimes even impossible. Have you ever experienced that? In some of our darkest hours, with tears streaming down our faces, we have tried to utter the words, “Blessed…

In With The “New”

In With The “New”

If you have moved into a new-to-you home, you know the feeling of wanting to make it feel like your own. Back in April, when this house came up on the market, I remember staring at every picture, thinking THIS HOUSE COULD BE OURS! It was an INCREDIBLY stressful 48 hours, waiting to hear if…

Slowing Down

Dear Mama, I know you’ve been there. That time when you had 1,000 things to do; wait, I mean 10,000. You know what I’m talking about. Your child is waiting at your feet, just wanting to be held, but you just don’t have the time. So you continue to do what you were trying to…