
Maximize Your Day

I am still loving the Bible study book we are doing, “Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be.” This week was on “Management Tools.” One of the lessons was on maximizing your day. Do you ever have it when at the end of the day, you think – where did this day go? Or,…

Redeeming Love

Brace yourselves moment! Kristin finished a large fiction book – Redeeming Love (by Francine Rivers) I surprised myself as well, but I had people keep telling me that I needed to read that book; now I know why. It’s a tear jerker. It’s amazing how God can use a fiction book to stir the heart…

ZZZZ’s…and Routines

Sleep. Isn’t that just a peaceful word when you hear it? I know too many Americans today do not get enough of it. I remember being in high school and college and hearing people talk about how tired they are. Well, I suppose I still hear people say that today. You can be tired just…

Proverbs 31

I started a new Bible study this week and I must say, it is EXCELLENT. I have always enjoyed Proverbs 31, and strive to live up to, but I must say, this book is doing a great job at defining what this “woman” actually looks like. I have read Proverbs 31 what seems like 1,000…