
How You Live

This past weekend I went on a scrapbooking weekend to a cottage at the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds with my sister and her family/friends. I always look so forward to it because it’s such a RELAXING weekend, with nothing on the to-do list, but “maybe” scrapbook. I actually scrapbooked more than I thought I would…

Just For You

This morning I decided to read Jesus Calling – my how God works in extraordinary ways! The past few weeks have been extremely confusing – we have been wondering what God is trying to do in our life. He has given us so many blessings and things to think about, yet we have no idea…

What Are You Belting Out?

Ever listen to the radio and a familiar song comes up and you just start belting it out? Ever think about what you are saying? I have totally been there. Well, that has been really our theme all year in youth group and today was no different. I decided to blog about this week’s lesson…

Looking In The Mirror

Last week at Bible study, we were talking about holy living. Three of the questions were: what about our lives will attract people to Christ? How can I pay attention to developing inner character? What do I need to surrender to God? Those questions hit me square between the eyes. Why? Because they are questions…

Loving People

Today I was doing my Bible study and guess what it was on? Loving people. You could say it’s ironic, but I believe it was God’s perfect timing that this lesson happened to fall on Valentine’s Day. Honestly, Dan and I don’t really ever do much for the day because we try to celebrate our…