Family & Marriage

Around The Home

Around The Home

What a beautiful weekend it was in West Michigan! There was so much sun that by Sunday, when it rained all day, we were okay with it because our pale Dutch skin had seen enough sun for a bit! I haven’t dusted our house in weeks, though I feel this past week we weren’t in…

My Efficiency Struggle

My Efficiency Struggle

I am a to-do list girl. I LOVE to make lists and accomplish them. The more things I can cross off in a day, the more accomplished I feel. And unfortunately, often I see my success defined by how much I can accomplish. In other words, I end up trying to do a LOT. The…

Around The Home

Around The Home

I’m just going to get right to it! Here’s what our week looked like in pictures: Both smiling, but Dan’s is a bit forced…he is absolutely FREEZING, but Mazy is having the time of her life! And because she is, so is daddy. Sitting by the pool always requires a snack – and every last…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week has been a true test of our faith in many ways. The week necessarily didn’t go as planned with my heart procedure and we had both of our vehicles gives us major issues this week. But we can honestly look back and say that God has been faithful and continues to provide…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Welcome SPRING! Don’t you just love the promise of changing seasons? God sure teaches us so much through them, doesn’t He? When you think a season of life will never end, it ALWAYS does. And as our seasons of life change, we can see God’s faithfulness woven throughout our story! Here’s what our week has…