Family & Marriage

Around The Home

Around The Home

Ah, spring/summer has arrived! I say summer because we’ve been blessed with some pretty warm weather this past week! Needless to say, we took advantage of it and did some more painting on our home! We are officially DONE painting the house, the deck, and just have to do a few touch-ups on the garage,…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Painting, painting, painting! That’s what our week has consisted of, but we wouldn’t want it any other way! We are pleased with how far we have gotten, especially since our goal was to have our house painted by this summer, which we consider to be around June 1. We are not finished, but are quite…

Around The Home

Around The Home

I think we have experienced the extremes in weather this past week! Snow and then the warm sun, but we love it! Make the most of it, right? Okay, not going to lie, it’s nice to be able to not bundle up to go outside though. I will say that. This past week we capitalized…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week for many of you, has probably been a pleasant surprise with the weather! I feel like the weather is such a cliche thing to talk about, but really, snow and sleet in mid-April? Fairly impressive! I went to a different country this week! Canada, eh? My old college roommate lives near the…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Hello April! I always enjoy April because it means warmer temps and time to come out of hibernation. Well, the weather hasn’t necessarily felt like spring, but it’s coming! Mazy keeps asking to go swimming in her pool and she doesn’t quite understand why she can’t go swimming in it yet. Though her toes touching…

Around The Home

Around The Home

First week free of heart-related appointments (besides a blood draw) and it sure proved to be such a good one! I have missed being home with Mazy for just those short hours in the morning. Waking up and cuddling together, watching a show, pretending as far as our imaginations will go, oh I just treasure…